Dicionário Português Sinonimos

by BiroDic

Books & Reference


New Dictionary of the Portuguese language synonyms (Cândido de Figueiredo)Dictionary synonyms of Portuguese more than 150 000 words and definitions!Find the meaning and synonym of any word at any timeand always get the most up-to-date and correct results.Offline Portuguese Language Dictionary containing synonyms for more than 20,000 common words.Portuguese Synonyms Dictionary is an application that provides users with detailed and accurate information about Portuguese synonyms. It allows users to search and understand the different words that have the same or similar meaning in Portuguese.The application contains an extensive database of words and phrases with their synonyms, allows users to find words with the same or a similar meaning, as well as a detailed explanation of their usage and context. It also allows users to search for words using keywords. Users can save frequently referred words for quick reference.In addition, the application offers example sentences to help users better understand the use of synonyms in a given context. It also includes a popular words section to help users quickly find the most commonly used words.Portuguese Synonyms Dictionary is a valuable tool for writers, translators, students and anyone interested in improving their Portuguese language skills. Provides access to accurate and detailed information about Portuguese synonyms and resources to help users improve their writing style and enrich their vocabulary.The app is ideal for elementary, high school, college, and graduate students and teachers.With the Portuguese Language Dictionary you will learn a new word every day through the Word of the Day feature, a differential of our application for users who want to increase their vocabulary.Offline resources thesaurus- A wide vocabulary (more than 20,000 synonyms as mentioned in the description)- Quick Search (just type the first few letters)- Thesaurus does not require internet connection- History search- easy to navigate- Copy/Paste functionality New Dictionary of English synonyms language (Cândido de Figueiredo)